Monday, June 17, 2013

LaTeX support added to the blog!

After a long time of  nothing I have finished my Master Thesis! With it finished, I have finally added LaTeX Math support to the blog and this is a post to try it out! I have a few math-heavy posts coming up and to do it all with images just isn't doable. I will have a few Nonlinear Kalman Filter implementations and how to attack the problem of GPS navigation when there aren't enough bits in a floating point number. But this is at a later time!

Trying some inline math $ \theta(k+1) = \theta(k) + \Delta t \cdot \dot{\theta}(k) $ explaining an simple integrator...
And some centered equations:
x = a + b
x = \begin{bmatrix}
a & b \\
c & d
Seems to be working quite good! :D